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Printing or exporting the map produces a blank page


49 Kommentare

  • Permanently deleted user
    This issue seems to stem from a recent Windows Update. The problematic update depends on the version of Windows:
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hey Jordan, Can you provide any more details?  Fixes?


    Thanks so much!
  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Lisa,


    Our products team is actively investigating this issue, and we will provide any updates as they are available.  We have had some customers report that they were able to get back up and running properly after they rolled back the Windows updates.  However, that may not be possible or preferred.  I am hopeful we will have a patch/update soon to resolve this issue!


    Best wishes,


  • Orlo Dennison
    As an interim work-around we turned on 'Enabling Print Jobs' in the Print Job Settings. This is far from ideal but still provides our users with print functionality until a fix is in place.
  • Mike Ketler


    I may have a potential work around while we try and solve this issue. Please edit the Print Template(s) in Essentials Manager and turn on "Enable Print Jobs". See the screenshot below. My print output appears to be working now.


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=907f2000000fxdY&feoid=Body&refid=0EMf2000000k9mQ" _/_img_




    Mike Ketler
  • Permanently deleted user
    We have also noticed that drawings do not appear on printed maps. This happens regardless of whether print jobs are enabled. Not sure if this is conected to the Windows update, but it seemed to start occuring around the same time asd the blank map issue.
  • Richard Diaz
    What version's of GE and GVH are affected?  All?


  • Mike Ketler



    It appears to being impacting all versions of Essentials. The only way I was able to reproduce it on one of my VMs was to ensure .NET 4.6.1 was installed and then apply the 4041085 Windows Update.




    Mike Ketler
  • Permanently deleted user
    Using Essentials 4.6.3 here, with Viiewer 2.7.2.


    So yesterday at 4 pm we rolled back the latest Microsoft update, and by 4:30 pm we had our print function back. Yay!


    Except this morning now the print function is back to printing blank maps. Boo.  Haven't talked to IT yet to see if they have a clue.


    The "Enable Print Jobs" option seems to return our print function, but it's a noticeably slower print process:


    _img_ alt="User-added image" src="https://latitudegeo--c.na53.content.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=907f2000000fxe2&feoid=Body&refid=0EMf2000000k9mk"_/_img_  


    Haven't tried it yet with drawings, but our customers need to be able to print maps with drawings.


    Hopefully this will get us through til a solid fix is in order.  


    But we do need a solid fix!


  • Permanently deleted user
    @Lisa McAleer  We experienced the same issue, fixed it by uninstalling the update yesterday and it was back this morning. The update automatically reinstalled itself. I've hidden the update, hopefully it won't happen again now.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Okay, this is weird. The referenced update 4041083 (on Server 2008 R2) is listed in the window update screen as downloaded but not installed. 4038777 and 403586 were installed and the printing & printing drawings problems started today.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Using the Enable Print Jobs" option.


    Exporting PDFs containing polygons with color fill is hit-and-miss.  Seems like if the entire color-filled polygon is within the boundaries of the map template, then you get a color polygon.  If your map only cpontains part of a polygon, then you don't get color, you get a white polygon.


    Is there a setting that I'm missing?


    I am not happy.
  • Mike Ketler
    Hi Lisa,


    Unfortunatley, the work around is only partial, it doesn't fix printing with mark up and it doesn't fix the export tool.


    Please note that this Windows Update is impacting other software as well as ours. 




    For now, we recommend having your IT Team roll back the update specific to your Windows Server version.




    Mike Ketler
  • Permanently deleted user
    We have been working with Microsoft Support to find a resolution, and they have escalated this issue with their developers, but there's no indication of when -- or whether -- they will provide a fix for this issue. There is very little we can do on our end to address this issue.


    The current workaround for is to uninstall the specific Windows Update that has caused this issue. As these updates contain a fix for security vulnerability, I can't recommend that you remove this update from your server, but if this functionality is critical for your applications, you may want to weigh the relative risks and proceed as you see fit.


    In the event that you do decide to remove these updates from your system, here's what you need to know: For those who decide not to remove any Microsoft Updates, Mike's large format printing tip continues to be a partial workaround, however graphics and feature layers will not print, and map exports will continue to be blank.


    I will continue to provide updates as we learn more, however -- again -- it may be some time before we hear back from Microsoft regarding this issue. Please let me know if anything is unclear, or if you have any questions.
  • Guido Sitta (GeoGraphics S.r.l.)
    Thank you all LG's for the updates. On behalf of our customers, I must report their disappointment on this issue and their request for an immediate recover. The partial workaround is not seen as the solution. We tried with uninstalling Windows updates but the prbolem pops up again as reported also by other partners and, also, those updates are really important as they fix very crtical security issues in Windows. We hope that a solution will be found within the next few days. 


  • Guido Sitta (GeoGraphics S.r.l.)
    Don't know if it can be of help, but we noticed that printing works fine inside Portal for ArcGIS. We tested this on the same server where we have installed Geocortex having the printing problems.


  • Permanently deleted user
    I got the same problem with a customer here, but the export map function in a workflow is also not working in the Silverlight version.


    I'll be following this thread as we do need the print map and export map function.


  • Carmen Durham
    It had to be an update because it was working perfectly last week after we upgraded to latest GCE and HTML Viewer.  We are having the same issue now.  It is a critical function for us.


    I'll see if we can roll back the one critical server.  It is behind the firewall so IT may consider it until a fix is made.




  • Tom Neer
    For Windows Server 2012r2: Uninstalling the following security updates resolves the issue on our server:








    This required a reboot.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Following up on Tom's post, the three updates he's identified are rolled into update 4041085 for Windows Server 2012 R2. Of those three, 4040972 is the one we've identified to have caused this issue. For other Windows versions (Server 2012 and Server 2008 R2), please see my previous post.


    We're continuing to follow up with Microsoft and, while they haven't made any promises, this issue is expected to be resolved in the next series of Microsoft updates, in the first half of October. We're seeing an increasing number of reports of this .NET Framework issue by others (e.g., (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/0f14f14c-5cd3-4505-9168-2ef9dc1f7031/kb-4041083-kb-4040973-has-broken-wpf-rendering-in-services) this thread ), which should help to raise its priority. In the meantime, we're still looking into other possible options.
  • Permanently deleted user


    Can you provide documentation from Microsoft that they see this as an issue and are actively working on the problem?


  • Permanently deleted user
    Hi Ken,


    Yes! The issue has been reported (https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/3141218) here  and Microsoft has acknowledged the issue and provided a workaround that removes the update that causes the issue but allows you to re-apply the security portion of the update. This will allow you to restore the printing and exporting functionality while staying current on security updates. (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4043601/rendering-issues-after-the-september-12-2017-net-security-and-quality) See this article for details .
  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks very much for the update Jordan. We have tested this solution in developement and its working. 




  • Permanently deleted user
    On Server 2012 R2, we removed 4040972 and the print and save image became functional again.


    Here is Microsoft Support, "Rendering issues after the September 12, 2017, .NET Security and Quality Rollups are installed" - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4043601/rendering-issues-after-the-september-12-2017-net-security-and-quality


  • Permanently deleted user
    Thanks Jordon and other contributors


    These posts alerted me to the issue which I reproduced Monday and have now confirmed resolution on a test server by removing the Server 2012 R2 patch 4040972 as suggested.


    The good information means I'm able to take action to stop this patch being installed to our production Geocortex environment, being we progressively apply patches to test then quality assurance environments before production.


    Geoffrey Adelaide Australia




  • Permanently deleted user
    Fix didn't work for me... I did what was recommended by Microsoft from Jordan's most recent post and it didn't work.  I tried it twice.  We have Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1.


    Anyone else still experiencing blank maps?  Any other ideas on how to fix this?
  • Mike Ketler


    Can anyone that hasn't been able to resolve this issue for Windows Server 2008 R2 confirm which KB they uninstalled?




    Mike Ketler
  • Permanently deleted user
    Update: I reached out to LG support directly and they guided me to the solution.  Here's what worked for me.  I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.


    From what I read in the Microsoft link shared above, I  didn’t understand it to suggest that I also needed to uninstall KB4040973. Just thought I needed to uninstall the original KB4040957 update and reinstall the security only update. I’m not a security expert by any stretch, so I wasn’t going to uninstall more than I was directed to. 


    Once I uninstalled the KB4040973 security update, rebooted the server, and reinstalled the security only KD4040957 security update, we were cooking again!  Thanks LG support!
  • Permanently deleted user
    Would LG be able to comment on the latest from Microsoft regarding this issue and potential resolution? Our client have a centrally managed IT service who apply and manage patches/updates. Therefore towards the end of this month when patches are bunched together and applied this issue will arise again with the offending update being installed. Then we will have to uninstall and reinstall the security update again. We have no control over this. Please note this is not single machine environments but a large distributed computing environment with c.50 machines.


    Are there any other workarounds other than the options described above?


    Thank you in advance for your help.
  • Permanently deleted user
    Removing KB4040972 resolved the printing issue for win 2012 R2 server.


    Attention: as of 10/3/17 there is a new update available from Microsoft: KB4041085 and once installed it will bring back the same issue. This KB will show as KB4040972 in the list of Windows Updates. You migth want to prevent this "new" KB from installing. 

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