Confused on which Commands can be used with the WF5 "Run Command" in which viewer (GVH5 vs. Geocortex Web).
The "OpenWebPage" command works fine when the WF5 is executed in GVH5, but I get the following from Geocortex Web.
Is this particular command not available when using the workflow in Geocortex Web?
Hi Frank,
"OpenWebPage" command is not yet supported in Geocortex Web.
The following is the list of commands currently supported in Web:
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Thanks, Pairin. I guess I was looking at the wrong documentation. I hope that the "OpenWebPage" command is on the the list to be added in the future.
Thanks again,
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Just a followup. Any idea when an "OpenWebPage" command will be available? I've creating an embedded Web viewer and so far, the only holdup I've found is not having this command. The workflow works in the HTML5 viewer, but we rather not embedded this viewer if possible. Is the only way to open a web page is by creating a hyperlink for the user to click on?
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Hi Frank,
We have a future plan to support this kind of command, but there are some technical differences that we need to investigate. So there is no set date of availability just yet. The hyperlink would be a workaround for the moment.
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HI Pairin,
Thanks for the followup. It will be a welcome addition. Our users really like how clean the workflow is in the HTML5 viewer without the hyperlink, but I was hoping to use the Web based embedded app.
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Hi @Pairin Mason? ,
I see that the last answer to this question was 6 months ago. Any updated on the progress of implementing "OpenWebPage" in GeocortexWeb/Workflow?
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Greetings everyone ... let's talk 'use cases'. Now that we allow for configuration of 'external links' on features we think that 99% of the use cases you are trying to accomplish should be covered.
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Hi Cam,
So in my case, I created a workflow that allows the community to surrender a found or a previously adopted pet to the County Regional animal shelter. The workflow lets them enter a validate address, a street, or select a location on a map. A URL to a laserfiche form is then created within the workflow that contains parameters for validation, jurisdictional identification (county vs. various cities that may or may not participate with the county animal shelter) and location coordinates for the address, street, or selected location. The URL is not a fixed external link. In addition, we don't want the URL exposed to the user. I'm running the workflow in GVH viewer, but would like to move the workflow to GX Web. Hope this helps.
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Thanks Frank, that is helpful. The generated URL is then opened in a new tab for the end user to fill out? I'm 90% of the way there ... I'm missing what is done with the URL after it is generated.
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Yes, it URL opens in a new tab for the user to fill out the form. I sent you a link to the test version of the viewer in an email.
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Thanks for taking a look at this @Cam Barnard?
In our use-case, we also use workflows to dynamically build ULR’s. The workflow collects data from the user-input and other layers in the map, which it ties together and creates URL’s to different source, such as the national agricultural databank. Currently, the URL is returned to the user through an alarm, but the ideal solution would be to have the URL automatically open in a new tab.
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@Jonas Rugtvedt? ... I did some work on Friday and the most promising path forward is to include text form elements in your final workflow step, and then use the markdown capabilities of workflow text elements and update them with your generated URLs. This allows end users to click on the links and open them automatically in another tab (satisfies the browser security restrictions because the user is clicking on a link rather than the tab attempting to be opened programmatically.
The URL format for a text form element in Workflow looks like this:
[Fill out the lost pet form](,%20GEORGETOWN,%2078628&Jurisdiction=WCRAS&GeoY=10193724.21838979&GeoX=3100284.9725288902)
[user sees this](URL goes here)
You can use other markdown to increase the size and get a decent visual URL in your form that looks like this:
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Thank you @Cam Barnard? ! I will take a look at this 😀
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Hi Cam,
The only issue I'm have is that I'm using a "Create Value" activity to construct a dynamic URL. When I tried to use the external link construct, it doesn't seem to accept the results token for the URL. [Fill out the lost pet form](=$myURL.result) Am I missing something or can you use the result token?
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@Frank Martin? Hi Frank. You are really close. You'll need to 'build up' your string in a syntax more like this:
="[Fill out the lost pet form](" + $myURL.result + ")"
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Hi Cam,
I must be missing something. I created the string that you suggested above, however this string doesn't evaluate correctly when it is used in the Description field of the Text Form Element. Expression don't evaluate in the Description field for me. See image. Again, am I missing something?
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Hi Frank,
Sorry for the confusion with this. I had passed on that suggestion to Cam and hadn't realized you were setting this directly on a Form Element.
If the url was known up front, you could have this directly in the Description:
[Fill out the lost pet form](lost-pet-form.html)
However, since you're using a dynamic url we do need an expression. Here's how to get it to work.
- In the Form Designer, select `text1` then expand the Events section in the right column, below the "Visible" checkbox.
- Beside the word "load" click "Add" to add a subworkflow for the Text element's load event. The designer will now show the load-1 subworkflow.
- Add the Set Form Element Property activity to the workflow and connect it to "Event".
- Enter the following values
- Property Name: description
- Property Value: ="[Fill out the lost pet form](" + $wcrasURL1.result + ")"
When you run the workflow, this should show your link in the form.
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