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How to pass a JSON value in a JSON string as a parameter


6 Kommentare

  • Tom Neer

    Use a backtick


    =`[ { "en": { "panel.title": "Save File_mod", "panel.message": "Enter the File Name_mod", "panel.button.save": "Save_mod", "panel.button.cancel": "Cancel_mod" } }, { "es": { "panel.title": "Es Bueno!", "panel.message": "Introduzca un nombre de fichero", "panel.button.save": "Guardar", "panel.button.cancel": "Cancelar" } } ]`


  • Sean McClurkan

    Thanks for the quick response.


    The variable $submissionJson.result is a template literal:


    =$submissionJson.result = `{"community_registry":{"submission":{

    "an_submission_stg_id": ${$stagingId.result},

    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "ac_cr_log": "",

    "av_audit_user": "${$auditUser.result}"



    I pass the workflow parameters in a template literal:


    = `{








    This fails the PARSE JSON activity trying to send the workflow parameters:






    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "ac_cr_log": "",

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"


    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "an_organization_stg_id": 22334,

    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_organization_id": 22329,

    "av_organization_name": "Saloons Coalition",

    "an_org_category_id": 102,

    "av_org_category_other": "",

    "av_organization_email": "",

    "av_organization_website": "",

    "an_number_of_households": 0,

    "an_meeting_frequency_id": 103,

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"



    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "an_contact_stg_id": 22331,

    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_contact_id": 22332,

    "an_title_id": 100,

    "av_first_name": "Rockwell",

    "av_middle_name": "",

    "av_last_name": "Racoon",

    "an_suffix_id": 101,

    "av_preferred_name": "Rocky",

    "av_mailing_address": "",

    "av_city": "",

    "av_state": "TX",

    "av_zipcode": "",

    "av_email": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com",

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"



    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "an_contact_phone_stg_id": 22331,

    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_contact_phone_id": 22331,

    "an_contact_id": 22332,

    "an_phone_type_id": 102,

    "av_contact_phone": 5124487577,

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"


    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "an_organization_contact_stg_id": 22331,

    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_organization_contact_id": 22333,

    "an_organization_id": 22329,

    "an_contact_id": 22332,

    "an_org_contact_type_id": 103,

    "av_office_held": "Submitter",

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"


    "an_staging_status_id": 101,

    "an_organization_contact_stg_id": 22331,

    "an_submission_stg_id": 22330,

    "an_organization_contact_id": 22333,

    "an_organization_id": 22329,

    "an_contact_id": 22332,

    "an_org_contact_type_id": 101,

    "av_office_held": "Slinger",

    "av_audit_user": "rocky.racoon@saloon.com"





    I assume because of the leading and trailing double-quotes?


    If I remove the double-quotes from the workflow parameter JSON, the JSON sends to the server workflow as an Object. If I try to CONVERT to JSON activity that result, it puts escape characters throughout the resulting JSON string which fails to INSERT at the database as invalid JSON.


    Where should I define the "new" template literal with tick marks for just the ${$submissionJson.result}?

  • Tom Neer

    Yes, its confusing. The above is for statically stored JSON. Here is example reading from a file:


    • Send Web Request
      • URL=$urlSiteResources.value+'Config.json'
    • Parse JSON
      • JSON=$workflowConfigsRaw.text
    • Run Workflow (to generate a token)
      • Arguments={config: $config.result}
    • Generate ArcGIS Token
      • Generate Token URL=$getWorkflowInputs.inputs.generatorUrl
      • Expiration=$getWorkflowInputs.inputs.generatorUrl || 60


    Hope that helps

  • Sean McClurkan

    Um. Not sure. I'm not doing anything with files or ArcGIS. I'm just collecting user input in display forms and building a JSON string on the fly as I go. Then I'd like to insert that string into a JSON column in the database. I just can't seem to get the JSON string to be "just a string" to insert.

  • Tom Neer

    Are you using the Parse JSON activity? Once you do that you can pass the text of it's result.

  • Anne Stine

    Sean McClurkan  - did you ever find out how to beat the escape characters for assembling a json string?


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