Improve documentation
We've encountered this issue with most Geocortex products over the years, but Printing 5 is the latest one. The documents available online are very generic and often don't include features or is updated to include features that people might need to know about.
Some recent examples from printing 5:
- Location of printing 5 log files. Where are they? Only way to find out was to search the communities pages, surely this is an important bit of information that should be documented?
- Printing 5 by default uses the AGOL geometry service, not the service you set in your essentials site. How did I discover this? I had to search through the communities pages. How did i resolve it, i had to add a line to a web.config file .Surely something that would be useful in the documentation, so administrators of Geocortex are aware of this setting and how to change it if needed.
These are just a couple of our most recent discoveries, that would have been much nicer to make available in the official documentation.
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