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5 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Gareth Evans

    Hi Nick & co

    We discuss VertiGIS Studio Analytics in our road ahead webinar. To answer your questions, yes, it is intended to work with VertiGIS Studio Web. Our release calendar shows a Q2 (~May) target date.

  • Nico Burgerhart

    I'm also interested in the answer of the first question.

  • Halil Siddique


  • Nick Miller

    Gareth, will there be a SaaS offering of VertiGIS Studio Analytics when its released in May so we can get better metrics on how our Geocortex Web applications are being utilised?

  • Gareth Evans

    Hi Nick Miller good question. To clarify, are you a VSW SaaS customer looking for Analytics integration? 


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