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Now Available: Experience Builder Widgets for ArcGIS Experience Builder 1.9


3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Michael Kowal

    Carl Hughes An updated widget has just been pushed that should fix the problem.  You will need to redownload and reinstall the latest workflow widget to get the update but you should no longer see this behaviour after that.

  • Carl Hughes

    Michael Kowal

    Adding the workflow to an experience breaks almost all of the default map widget tools...Select, Search, Measure, Basemap, Layerlist etc.

    Doesn't matter what is in the workflow or how the map widget is configured...


    Same thing that is described here is happening with the new 5.29 widget.


    These issues make it almost impossible to use Workflow inside of Experience Builder.


  • Carl Hughes

    Michael Kowal


    Thanks - that worked while designing the experience inside of Experience Builder...as soon as I download the experience with a Workflow widget and deploy it on any of our web servers I am getting the following error:



    Doesn't matter what activities I have inside of the Workflow, sharing settings, other elements in the experience etc. I get the same issue.




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